Friday, December 22, 2006

Tire, Fire and we Nepalese

Last 16 years Fire and we Nepalese.have given us the freedom and democracy...... freedom to vote, to choose the people we want, to choose the government. All this time has seen the bloom of the media system, schools, colleges, transportation, and many many more. We undermined our progress and only saw the things we were weak at, we were unable to excel in, and the negativities of the system. Yes our leaders failed, our choosen govenment didnt do as well as we wanted them to, and our system moved very slow ahead, but still what I found was that the media always tried to thrive by publishing too much of negatives in our system, trying to be sold exposing the flaws while not commending on the goods of the things that were done. And the people, we know the people, we know the students. They are very vulnerable to show of wrongs.
So we ourselves invite the culture of revolting. Burning tyres, Bring traffic to halt, Burning government vehicles, breaking the windows, doors, buildings, breaking the rules. Setting the demand, and expressing the frustrations. We are living amongst too much of negativism. And Maoist brothers, they are way ahead of the nepalese standard of thriving in opposite attitudes. Killing has been their culture, Imposing rules and Threatening people their philosophy, and arms and amunitions their tradition. And now they are showing its not so easy to give up what they used for thriving in this small world of unstable mentalities. Everyday I see the pictures in the newspapers websites of the people with placards of their demands, people dancing in front of burning vehicles, people chanting slogans, burning flags, vocalizing their frustrations. We are yet to realize how much of good we could have done if only all those energies could have be spent in goods, in building new, in creating future, in constructive ideas.
Ya I dont like Prachanda, I dont like Girija as well, or Sher bahadur, AND I dont like the power hungry cunning nature of our king; But I could work will any of them or all of them to build our future from what is there now, not from destructing what we have all and starting at ZERO. All these leaders have created a big space , which needs alot of time and work to fill it. But still past is past, and I wish we could give up our differences for good. I wish Prachanda could give up his inner shrewd ambitions of leading Nepal as a President. I wish Girija cold give up his desire to win the election and rule the country and the people and the system without thinking about what he needs to do for Nepal. I wish the king would give up thinking about the space where he can again break the forces and come ahead to rule like he ruled for the past few years.
Leaders are leaders. People are no good either. I wish those so called maoist activists could give up their dancing with the weapons in the street and showing their fanatic arrogance and ignorant delusion. I wish Student Unions could work to build good education system than just to demand and demolish things. I wish people could live together as we lived before and work for the better future of Nepal. No more burning of the tires or fire in the street, no more vandalism, no more breaking of rules. Now we need to work on building the New Nepal, and until we realize that its our responsibility and not others, we wont be making progress at all. Prachanda should go and use his labour in building the bridges his ideologies have damaged. Girija , the poor old man, he should go and at least be there for village people, and show that he cares. King could at least appologize and offer whatever help he could do for the entire building process. And we all should remain together firm. No more differences. Lets not create the burning culture, lets create a building culture.
Too much of ideas and idealism may be. But, GOD BLESS US ALL!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Alcoholics Beware!!

'Alcohol abuse causes brain damage'
Long-term alcoholics are running the risk of permanent brain damage, according to a new study.
Research has shown that while the brain can regenerate following damage caused by drink, it struggles more after longer periods.
Scanning technology and computer software was used to analyse how the form, function and size of brains in 15 patients changed over a period of six to seven weeks after they gave up alcohol.
The researchers, from the UK, Switzerland and Italy, found that the size of the brain increased by an average of almost 2% 38 days after the start of the study.
Levels of chemicals that indicate how intact the brain's nerve cells and sheaths are also rose significantly, by around 10% to 20%.
Only one patient appeared to continue to lose brain volume and he was the one how had been drinking the longest, for 25 years, the study found.
Dr Andreas Bartsch, from the University of Wuerzburg in Germany, who led the research, said: "The core message from this study is that, for alcoholics, abstention pays off and enables the brain to regain some substance and to perform better.
"However, our research also provides evidence that the longer you drink excessively, the more you risk losing the capacity for regeneration."
The results of such brain scans could be used to help keep alcoholics motivated on staying sober, Dr Bartsch added. Furthermore, the findings, published in the online edition of the journal Brain, did not simply reflect rehydration.
"Instead, the adult human brain, and particularly its white matter (where nerve fibres are), seems to possess genuine capabilities for re-growth," Dr Bartsch said.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Amazing Researches: Is Laughter Contagious?!!

This is a new study too!!!

Positive sounds trigger brain response that helps us interact socially
THURSDAY, Dec. 14 (HealthDay News) -- Laughter is contagious, and U.K. scientists say they've identified how your brain is "infected" by mirth.
Researchers at University College London (UCL) found that hearing laughter and other positive sounds trigger a response in the area of the brain that's activated when we smile.
"It seems that it's absolutely true that 'laugh, and the whole world laughs with you'," Dr. Sophie Scott, of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL, said in a prepared statement.
"We've known for some time now that when we are talking to someone, we often mirror their behavior, copying the words they use and mimicking their gestures. Now we've shown that the same appears to apply to laughter too -- at least at the level of the brain."
For this study, the researchers played a series of sounds to volunteers while using functional MRI to monitor their brain responses. The sounds included positive ones such as laughter or cheering and negative ones such as retching or screaming.
All of the sounds triggered a response in the premotor cortical region, which prepares the facial muscles to respond accordingly. However, the response was greater when the volunteers heard positive sounds, which suggests that they're more contagious than negative sounds.
The study was published Dec. 12 in the Journal of Neuroscience.
"We usually encounter positive emotions, such as laughter or cheering, in group situations, whether watching a comedy program with family or a football game with friends," Scott said.
"This response in the brain, automatically priming us to smile or laugh, provides a way of mirroring the behavior of others, something which helps us interact socially. It could play an important role in building strong bonds between individuals in a group."

More on this in Health & Fitness can be found on this link ppl, hund down the health issues:
Adult Stem Cells Found in Hair Follicles
Nicotine Can Boost Blood Vessel Growth
Soy-Based Inhibitor Holds Promise as MS Treatment
Today's Health News

Smoking in the Gene!!!

A study by Yale University says it.

Study Identifies Key Gene in Nicotine's Reward Effect

Changes in dopamine system signaling result in long-lasting effects on brain
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 6 (HealthDay News) -- Yale University researchers say they've spotted a gene that plays an important role in how nicotine affects the brain.
In research with mice, the team found that nicotine can increase the activity of a molecule called CREB in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens. CREB can alter the properties of nerve cells, an action that's key in nicotine's rewarding effects in the brain.
Introducing a genetically altered virus that blocks CREB activity in the nucleus accumbens blocked that nicotine reward, the researchers found.
The study, funded by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, was presented Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, in Nashville, Tenn.
"We and other researchers have begun to make very strong links between individual molecules in the brain and nicotine-related behaviors. By identifying molecules and changing their activity, we can understand how overall behavior is changed," researcher Marina Picciotto, associate professor of psychiatry, said in a prepared statement.
Nicotine activates the dopamine system in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in motivation and reward processes. Drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines also activate the dopamine system.
"Our work and that of others has shown that nicotine changes signaling in nerve cells in the dopamine system resulting in long-lasting effects. We believe that these changes in signaling may explain why people who quit smoking can continue to experience cravings many years later or even start smoking again," Picciotto said.
This line of research may help identify new targets for treatments to help people stop smoking, the researchers said.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Faces of Terrorism in Nepal


When it gets cold and rainy, and when the normal thing is all gone, you have to take shelter wherever you can. This is the one fellow who is sheltering from the temporary trouble.
For my friend..........

Message to Prachanda, and all craps!!!

Wish you could understand how good it feels for the people to live FEARLESS of the demons you all created!!!

New York City .... Haunted 9/ 11.

Views of Newyork City...

These are some great views of newyork city , I will try to write more about it later.......

Newyork, Subway & Me.

I came to Newyork few days back, with lots of feedback about the city in my mind from my fellow collegues. Actually it was a evening time when I arrived here, so all I could see was lights, tall buildings, heavy traffic, big bridges, and yes......... and people; everywhere, all around.... everyone seem to be in rush, as if trying to catch up with the things they are chasing for. When I arrived here, all the people were busy running around here and there, It seemed I was the only one with the time for everything and anything, without any rush, and without any idea about where I ought to be. Thankfully there were some friends who came to pick me up. I tried to learn from them about the city that night, the five main parts of the metropolitan..... queens, bronx, brooklyn, long island and staten island, downtown/ uptown, brooklyn bridge, manhattan bridge, ....... and 2 more bridges I dont remember the name, statue of liberty, empire state building, ............. & blaw, blaw. My poor mind, lots to swallow at once. So I just gave up, just trying to enjoy wats before me. The lights and the colors, thats it.

Then came the subway. My friends were trying to teach me, 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ S, the green line, blue and yellow line, and the connections, its was already too much for me. I just gave up and, was saying to myself - Enough for tonight. Poor me, how was I to know that there was lots to come, to be travelling alone, and the need to keep pace with the life that dwells under the ground in this city. Now everytime I go for a subway ride, I have to take a map, and while I travel, I have to make sure the train is moving in the right direction and not in the exact opposite way of where I intend to go.

One thing is for sure, if you come to newyork and see the people around here, you wont miss your homeland. Yes there is wide variety of faces and structures and creatures and attires and ways you could see around here, but there are quite many people that look like they originate from our part of world, I mean South-East Asia. And most of the people, when they meet us, one first thing they ask is "Are you Indian?". I dont know why, but I dont like it at all. I like saying 'I am Nepalese', Yes Nepalese!! And we have our own identity as a Nepalese that we could take pride on. I just cant help making analogy of things that I see here, with the things back at home, Newyork n newroad .... I feel the same, Same rush, same type of crowd, same colors all around, same traffic, the only difference is the size and the magnitude of crowd, n the geography. When its same, one thing struck my mind, cant we build a subway in our city back home, may be if Prachanda or any other wasted politician comes over here and gets a subway ride, he would say 'We need to build like this at home', 'We will pressurize the government to do it' 'We will start a peoples war for it' .......... or something crap, which our people just could listen, and tolerate. Yes , being Nepalese We have very high degree of tolerance..... More about tolerance later..
Have to sleep now.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

some amazing images some guys sent me!!

My start of new journey

December 12, 2006.
Today is a new day, a new biginning. A new moment, opening new ideas and new world to express the things. I happened to open my blog account today. I want to write things, write what I see, write what I feel is right or wrong, write what amazes me and what sucks me, everything....... things that I want you all to know. I read others article, and always feel why shouldnt I write and let others see how I feel.

Now I am going to write, and write and more, lets see how it goes......................